Woah! This time it's albuquerque new mehico. In a bedroom, drummer sleeps behind me on the couch. Just in from a long overnight drive from Tucson. We're a band. We play songs. We complain a lot. In this particular scene we've been thrown into that is nothing like it was, we complain and laugh at it. Who would've ever guessed that the New Kids on the Block and N'Sync and other baby faced boy bands would don guitars and get pretty star tattoos and be what's now called punk rock? Count me out of this fan club or scensterism. Call me jaded, call me sell-out, call me frank, I don't care anyway you state it! The way the "punk rock" genre has overlapped and unfolded over the years sucks. Now there is no difference between going to a swank night club in Scottsdale or La Jolla california and going to a local "show". It's all little baby birds of the main stream media mother with their mouths open wide ready to swallow any bullshit mamma gives em. And it's sad for them; who think they are being individuals or furtive amongst the cookie-cutter bands' fan club, but who are really just being lead indirectly by a major marketing sceme that has purposely trickled down to these young punks. It all makes me want to grow my beard thick and my belly fat and pick up my harmonica and acoustic and entertain the birds and bees in the middle of nowhere. peace be with us...