Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Interesting findings at the beach

 On a beautiful December 21st, I walked down to the beach to see what the day would bring.

 Multiple trees washed up with the same letters carved into them. They all appear to be main-masts from a very old ship wrecked long ago.

No nails or screws. Someone constructed this arrow pointing in a fixed direction. So I followed.

What a beautiful day it was.

And in the emerald forest you'll find glowing majestic living things like this!

Monday, January 07, 2013

Sunday, January 06, 2013

Apple Tree Concentrate.

If I ever saw a suit axe beefing in the ring with wild cats on the punch, Mohammed Ali Baba wouldn't stand a chance against these ruffian tigers nashing!  Gggggrrrrowl! Wow! Get back! I get it! Go tell it on the mountain! So many cats in one basket there's bound to be a squeel! Put down your dukes! And your straw filled boots you scarecrows and get yourself off the stairs! There's plenty water in the ocean... You just can't drink it!

The light is shining warmly.

Contradiction Pigeon.

Did you ever stop to think about the people we kill?
They're always the people who tell us to live together
in harmony and try to love one another;

Jesus, Gandhi, Lincoln, John Kennedy,
Bobby Kennedy, Medgar Evers, Malcolm X,
Martin Luther King, John Lennon.

They all said: "Try to live together peacefully."
BAM! Right in the fuckin' head.
Apparently we're not ready for that!

- George Carlin

I'm having some breakfast and coffee on First Hill at the Corner Cafe today, and I remember how I've always felt sad seeing people in a restuarant eating alone.