Friday, July 12, 2013

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Old mates and their soul mates

I get a fuzzy feeling when I'm out and about probably sitting in a dark corner of a restaurant or bar and I see someone I used to know from way back walking with their lover. Sometimes they're much fatter than I remember, sometimes much skinnier, sometimes much worse looking than I remember, sometimes I'm surprised at how great they look compared to my instant memory as I recognize them. Good for them! I say to myself, in all sincerity. It really does bring me joy to see the kid who never had a girlfriend in high school, or never had any friends, or even the jock who had all the ladies in high school, paired up with a wife or husband. In all these recognitions that pass me, none have ever recognized me... (smirky smile) and that's always the way I've liked it.
A new friend once wished me well as I left town saying to me, "you'll be fine, you're a fucking chameleon."

Tryin to Get to Heaven

Monday, July 08, 2013

Another week in regular time. Work is good for the mind and body. Let everyday be a vitamin that softly dissolves and nourishes.